Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We take pride in providing gas to our customers.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement, you must contact us within 24 hours of receiving your order.You will get a refund within 24 hous. You can do this by contacting our customer support team at [7788888769]. Please provide your order number and the reason for the refund or replacement request.
We will review your request and determine if a refund or replacement is appropriate. If approved, we will process the refund or replacement within seven business days.
Please note that refunds will only be issued for the price of the Gas and not for any delivery or service fees.
We reserve the right to refuse a refund or replacement if we determine that the request is fraudulent or if we have reason to believe that the Gas were not handled or stored properly after delivery.
If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact our customer support team at [7788888769].
Contact no : 1.+91 7788888769
Thank you for choosing HPR FALCON GAS TECHNOLOGY (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED for your vegetable delivery needs.